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Mary & Martha Olive Oil Soap

"She had a sister called Mary, who sat down at the Lord's feet and listened to him speaking."

Luke 10:39

When one thinks of lemons and olive oil, one thinks of a Mediterranean kitchen. Yellows stand out as the predominant color. Can you just smell the lemons? Wonderful. I n my own yard, I have lemon and lime trees. The smell is so wonderful. That is exactly how this soap smells.

Now, why olive oil? Olive oil is hypoallergenic which means you shouldn't have an allergic reaction. And that is always a positive thing. This soap is made with pure virgin olive oil. This mixed with high glycerin content enables extra moisturizing and lathering effects.

Anyway as this was being made, this brought to mind how so often we are always so busy, and lose sight of what is most important. In the above passage from Luke, we see exactly this busyness when we should just slow down and sit at the Lord's feet.

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